About Efesto

- look for a way to get more work done;
- work overtime.

“I had seen the Swift-Cut at work at a trade fair about three years ago. After that, I started looking for more information about it. I got in touch with WCW. There I had the feeling I was talking to a specialist rather than a salesman, which was really nice.
I often trust my intuition, so my decision to purchase a Swift-Cut was made fairly quickly.”
Not much later, the Swift-Cut was in Efesto’s workshop. How do they use the machine?
“Today I mainly use the Swift-Cut for the slightly rougher work. Do I have a customer for whom a luxurious finish is important? Then I’m more likely to outsource that project to someone with a laser cutting machine (WCW also sells laser cutting machines, ed.).

The Swift-Cut is perfect for a small company of up to 10 people, like ours. “Especially if you use the machine regularly.”
And can everyone use the machine smoothly?
“Yes, surely. There was an initial training session soon after the installation. But what really adds value is that WCW provides a second training session after a few months. After such an initial training, you don’t remember everything. Such additional training ensures that we use the machine correctly. Until today, I haven’t had any real problems with or questions about the machine either.”

More cases

TRBA | MicroStep
TRBA chooses the MicroStep CombiCut from Wouters Cutting & Welding, enhancing flexibility, precision, and reliability. Read more!

TRBA | MicroStep
TRBA from Péruwelz invested in a MicroStep CombiCut to expand their capacities. Read their story here.

TB Shiprepair | MicroStep
TB Shiprepair in Meppel improves efficiency and speed with the new MicroStep CombiCut cutting machine, ideal for the maintenance of inland vessels.

Looking for a cutting or laser machine?
Demo in showroom or no-obligation appointment?
Or call us on +32 3 475 98 25